Thursday, February 11, 2010

For anyone considering taking a job that allows you to work from home, I would say "DO IT!"

I made the switch to work from home almost two years ago and I love it.

I used to spend almost 2 hours a day getting to and from work (NJ traffic being awful during rush-hour!), and about $250 per month in commuting costs (between gas and tolls). Now, I have more time and more money!!!

Being successful when working from home does take a fair amount of discipline, but being able to manage my own schedule (and not being tied to a desk for 8-10 hours a day) is great. I am able to work when I am most productive and can schedule errands and such for when I know I’ll need breaks. Now, instead of zoning out here and there talking to co-workers, I can use my ‘zone out’ time to pick up the dry cleaning, run to the grocery store or something like that, which means that at night and on the weekends, I can hang out with my family and friends.

If you have the chance, it’s definitely worth doing!

~ Anne O'Tolle

Monday, February 8, 2010

Vendor Testimonials

“Great event Susan! Thanks for inviting me to participate. The event was very well attended.”Jackie Grasso ~ Sensaria Natural Bodycare

“I can't even begin to tell you what a great job you ladies did ...I was very impressed w/ all the vendors and the amount of people you had there.”Dianna Gosden ~ Southern Living at Home

"As a vendor, the Net-Work Expo allowed my company to be in front of a hungry audience of individuals seeking a home based business or an escape from corporate America. The Expo is an excellent marketing strategy and a wise investment in your business."-Cathy Allen ~ Essential Body Solutions

“This event was wonderful for us! Great Experience. Still getting contacts from the event. We have 5 signed on recruits, and its ongoing! People that did not attend the event are contacting us through the web-site! Looking forward to the upcoming “Net-Work” Events. Fantastic Job Net-Working!” Carol Anne Patterson ~ Lia Sophia

“ Fantastic event! As a vendor, the amount of traffic brought in was above what I expected. The attention that E-Commerce received was great! The different types of people that came to see us were of varying occupational backgrounds which proved that the marketing “Net-Work” did for us worked very well. Very excited to attend the upcoming “Net-Work” Events”. Joe Della Salla ~ ECommerce

Upcoming Dates/Cities

Contact Susan ( for vendor information about upcoming cities.

Exhibit at one of our NetWork EXPO events...

•Fort Lauderdale Metro Area - March 21st 2010
•Philadelphia /So. Jersey Metro Area - April 11th 2010
•Atlanta Metro Area - May 2010
•Washington DC Metro Area - June 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Check back soon for details of our upcoming events. Thanks from the NetWork Expo team!